Businessman Ovidiu Tender considers that our country's relations with China are very important, but they are far too underdeveloped. As Chinese companies are interested in accessing new markets, we should convince them to relocate to Romania some of their production facilities which work fo the European countries, he said. "We need to convince China to manufacture in Romania to sell in Europe, in order for us to create jobs in the Romanian economy", he said.
ROMÂNIA-CHINA Tender: The Romanian-Chinese relations, far too underdeveloped
Ziarul BURSA #Companii / 9 iulie 2012
link: O linie aeriană directă ar dezvolta turismul dintre noi şi China
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link: When it comes to its relationship with China, Romania talked a lot and did little
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link: The Chinese are interested in investing in agriculture, IT, infrastructure and energy
link: Tender: Relaţiile româno-chineze, mult prea puţin dezvoltate
link: "Jidvei" pe piaţa Chinei
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link: "România ţara vinului" la Ambasada României la Beijing
link: Nu avem niciun proiect de investiţii cu China
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link: Grup interministerial de lucru pentru dinamizarea relaţiilor româno-chineze