The Germans from "Fendt" will lease a 5.000 acre piece of land in the counties of Iasi, Neamt and Bacau.

Ziarul BURSA #Materii Prime / 8 octombrie 2007

According to Constantin Arustei, the head of the Iasi Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate (DADR), the German company Fendt, together with a series of investors form Austia, intends to lease an approximately 5,000 acre piece of land in the counties of Iasi, Neamt and Bacau, in order to develop vegetable farms. The largest area of land, of almost 3,000 acres, is situated in the Neamt county, while in the counties of Iasi and Bacau, the pieces of land that will be used for farming, spread over and area of 1,000 acres, in each county. "Part of the land was already leased in the towns situated at the borders of the counties, where an easier railway access is possible. We were told that Fendt intends to grow oleaginous plants which will be used to produce biodiesel, but they are also looking to further invest in several zootehnic complexes and an agricultural machines dealer. In the county of Neamt, at Ciorohani, Fendt will launch the 380 horse power engine tractor, giving the company"s representatives the occasion to unveil more details about their investment plans ", said Constantin Arustei.

According to official information available on the company"s website, the agricultural machines company Xaver Fendt & Co was founded in 1937 and in 1985 became a leader on the German market. In 2006, the company sold 12,157 tractors, the most desired model being the Fendt Vario.

The head of DADR Iasi also stated that Fendt is not the only potential investor in Iasi"s agriculture. He also mentioned that Agroco Bohemia, a Czech company, is interested in leasing 1,000 acres of land in the Iasi county, in order to grow potatoes, which will then be delivered to Kaufland and a chips factory. "They have already leased a thousand acres in each of the Suceava , Harghita and Brasov counties, but they are also looking to do so in Iasi. We are interested in local producers who are willing to take part in this kind of partnerships", Arustei further declared.

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