Photo source: Facebook/ Nordic Festival

Nordic Festival, premiere in Bucharest

O.D.English Section / 29 ianuarie

The first edition of the Nordic Festival, a multidisciplinary event that explores and celebrates the culture of the Nordic countries, through a program of award-winning films, debates with special guests, literary events, concerts and many other...

Photo source: FRUI VITA

"Dor de Doină", at the Botanical Garden

O.D.English Section / 26 august 2024

Workshops, concerts and a painting exhibition dedicated to pupils and students will take place at the second edition of the "Dor de Doină" event, scheduled to take place on September 7, at the "Dimitrie Brândza" Botanical Garden...

The National Theater is "moving" to the roof

The National Theater is "moving" to the roof

O.D.English Section / 27 iunie 2024

Cultural events have more opportunities in the summer, when they can take place in unconventional spaces. A series of theater and dance performances, concerts, films and meetings with artists will be included in the program of the TNB Summer...

Musical events, "complicated" by medical issues

Musical events, "complicated" by medical issues

O.D.English Section / 21 februarie 2024

Classical music lovers must be patient, after the main events of the beginning of the year have been postponed. The concerts in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest by tenor Placido Domingo, scheduled to take place on February 23 and 26, will be...

Photo source: facebook / Cosmin Tabără

Investment: 115 million lei stadium in Timisoara

O.D.English Section / 5 februarie 2024

The supporters of the Poli Timişoara formation have a reason for hope related to the revival of the football phenomenon in the city on the Bega. The vice-mayor of Timişoara, Cosmin Tabără (PNL), announced that the documentation for the future...

Photo source: facebook/CCSBuc

Old Music at the Student Culture House

O.D.English Section / 15 decembrie 2023

The rediscovery of roots, including musical ones, is crucial for the formation of young individuals. From December 16th to 17th, 2023, the 15th edition of the project "Small Week of Early Music" will take place at the Student Culture...

Concerte anulate din cauza lipsei de fonduri

Concerte anulate din cauza lipsei de fonduri

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 13 noiembrie 2023

Legătura dintre cultură şi bani este una mai strânsă decât şi-ar dori spectatorii şi creatorii. În absenţa finanţării este greu de conceput un act cultural de anvergură. Uneori se poate ajunge şi la situaţii de neînţeles, în care există ambele...

Concerts canceled due to lack of funding

Concerts canceled due to lack of funding

O.D.English Section / 13 noiembrie 2023

The connection between culture and money is tighter than spectators and creators would wish. In the absence of funding, it is challenging to conceive a culturally significant event. Sometimes, incomprehensible situations arise where both...

West University promotes cultural diplomacy

West University promotes cultural diplomacy

O.D.English Section / 8 noiembrie 2023

West University Timişoara (UVT) is promoting cultural diplomacy as part of the Timişoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture program in November, offering four international concerts featuring Alexandru Tomescu and Sînziana Mircea to audiences in...

Dracula returns to Braşov, only on the big screen

Dracula returns to Braşov, only on the big screen

O.D.English Section / 5 octombrie 2023

Film lovers will be able to watch, free of charge, between October 25-28, a number of 25 films in the field of Fantasy & Horror, long and short, during the 11th edition of the International Fantasy Film Festival from Brasov - Dracula Film...

Million lei worth of turf

Million lei worth of turf

O.D.English Section / 26 septembrie 2023

The turf at the National Arena has already drained millions of lei from the accounts of the Bucharest City Hall, and it will continue to do so in the near future. It's difficult to understand all this effort, considering that the sport that...

Photo source: facebook / Il Volo

Famous trio on tour in our country

O.D.English Section / 19 septembrie 2023

Classical music lovers "wrapped" in a modern show have good news this autumn. Three concerts by the famous Italian trio Il Volo will take place in Romania, at the BT-Arena in Cluj-Napoca (September 30), at Oradea Arena (October 2, in...

Enescu Festival - Support for Vulnerable Individuals

Enescu Festival - Support for Vulnerable Individuals

O.D.English Section / 18 septembrie 2023

Three organizations working to support vulnerable individuals - Special Olympics, the Motivation Foundation, and the Amurtel Foundation - have joined this year in support of the organizers of the George Enescu International Festival to increase...

Photo source: facebook / fbfestivalulSoNoRo

Classical music festival in temple, church, and club

O.D.English Section / 18 septembrie 2023

Music can be a great therapy for many people. The International Classical Music Festival SoNoRo takes place in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca from October 27th to November 12th, including in unique venues such as the Coral Temple, Club Expirat, in the...

Photo source: facebook /ARCUB Bucuresti

Bucharest: Open-Air Classical Music Concerts

O.D.English Section / 14 septembrie 2023

Music enthusiasts in the capital are in for a true treat in the coming days. Eight evenings of open-air classical music concerts are scheduled, starting from Sunday and running until September 24th, at the "George Enescu" Festival Square....

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