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US stock market beats expectations; what's next?

US stock market beats expectations; what's next?

Andrei Iacomi English Section / 10 decembrie 2024

The S&P 500 is up about 27% this year, slightly above its 24% gain in 2023, and if the year were to end at this point, it would be the best performance of the main U.S. stock market basket since 2019, an evolution that was not anticipated by...

Bitcoin's March to $100,000 Has Stopped; Why?

Bitcoin's March to $100,000 Has Stopped; Why?

A.I.English Section / 27 noiembrie 2024

Bitcoin has surged more than 30% since the U.S. election earlier this month, but has yet to break the psychological $100,000 mark. The world's most popular cryptocurrency hit an all-time high of around $99,617 last week, but has since started...

Kilowat: Criză în programul Casa Verde 2023

Kilowat: Criză în programul Casa Verde 2023

A.B.Miscellanea / 19 noiembrie 2024

Compania Kilowat avertizează că sute de beneficiari Casa Verde 2023 riscă să piardă finanţarea de 20.000 de lei, pentru că instalatorii aleşi fie au dispărut de pe piaţă, fie nu au resurse să onoreze toate dosarele de montare a panourilor...

Kilowat: Beneficiarii Casa Verde 2024 să aleagă "cu lupa" firma instalatoare. Pot pierde finanţarea de la stat şi rămâne fără sisteme fotovoltaice dacă instalatorul nu reuşeşte să monteze în cel mult 12 luni

Kilowat: Beneficiarii Casa Verde 2024 să aleagă "cu lupa" firma instalatoare. Pot pierde finanţarea de la stat şi rămâne fără sisteme fotovoltaice dacă instalatorul nu reuşeşte să monteze în cel mult 12 luni

A.F.Companii / 16 octombrie 2024

Beneficiarii Casa Verde 2024 trebuie să aleagă cu mare atenţie instalatorul, pentru că unele firme pot să nu aibă capacitatea de a realiza montajul de sisteme fotovoltaice în cel mult un an de la obţinerea oficială a finanţării de la AFM. Astfel,...

Illustration by MAKE

A buzzing idea - the Sovereign Investment Fund

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 23 septembrie 2024

In an unstable economic context and marked by multiple challenges, the debate on the establishment of a Sovereign Investment Fund (SIF) was recently relaunched in the public space, a topic that will be extensively analyzed in an event organized...

"Who Shares, Takes a Share"

"Who Shares, Takes a Share"

Radu SovianiEnglish Section / 15 decembrie 2023

Radu Soviani

Radu Soviani: Mr. Munteanu, what would a one-million coupon invested in SIFs have meant if there had been decent management, from launch, from listing, until now?

Taxes, constitutionally validated; War in Israel

Taxes, constitutionally validated; War in Israel

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 7 noiembrie 2023

The terrorist attacks that took place on October 7 in Israel, followed by the bombing of Gaza by the armed forces led from Tel Aviv, the attack in Brussels and the return of terrorist threats in the states of Western Europe made October the...

EY: IPO proceeds down 32% globally

EY: IPO proceeds down 32% globally

A.V.English Section / 6 octombrie 2023

Globally, 968 IPOs were registered in the first three quarters of 2023, with a capital raised of $101.2 billion, down 5% or 32% year-on-year, according to a report published by EY . Despite this fact, market momentum is consolidating, with a...

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Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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