
Award winners in theory, repeaters in practice

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 9 ianuarie

Dan Nicolaie

Environmental protection is a concern for a large majority of the citizens of this country. There is confirmation of this: 88% of Romanians believe that climate change has an impact on their daily lives (11 points more than the European average...

"Black Cat Day, celebrated on October 26 at the Antipa Museum, is dedicated to promoting adoption and eliminating superstitions related to these animals, supporting the idea that every cat deserves love and care, regardless of its color. The event includes an adoption fair, organized by the TNR Association, mini-conferences and workshops dedicated to cute felines", reports the Antipa Museum.

Adoption Fair at the "Grigore Antipa" Museum

O.D.English Section / 24 octombrie 2024

Animal lovers have a meeting point in the Capital this weekend. The "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History together with the TNR Association are organizing, on Saturday, Black Cat Day. "Black Cat Day, celebrated on...

Traducerea - artă sau ştiinţă?

ADVERTORIALTraducerea - artă sau ştiinţă?

Marina Borţoi, Responsabil Departamentul Traduceri la Biroul de Traduceri ChampollionZiarul BURSA #Companii / 11 aprilie 2016

Traducerea reprezintă un instrument de înţelegere a culturilor încă din cele mai vechi timpuri, ajutând oamenii să comunice, în vreme de pace sau război, devenind astfel tot mai importantă de-a lungul timpului. Există o sumedenie de definiţii ale...

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