Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

O.D.English Section / 23 septembrie

A new report by the US Competition Authority (FTC) brings to light an alarming reality: giants in the field of social platforms and the Internet practice mass surveillance to capitalize on users' personal data. The study, carried out over...

Was Hamas helped by Israel?

Was Hamas helped by Israel?

English Section / 21 mai

From time to time, the media speculates that Israel is the one that supported the creation and growth of Hamas, a rumor that is based on testimony circulated by some officials, but without providing evidence.

Donald Trump, amendat cu 9.000 de dolari

Donald Trump, amendat cu 9.000 de dolari

S.B.Internaţional / 30 aprilie

Judecătorul care prezidează procesul penal de la New York al lui Donald Trump l-a acuzat marţi pe fostul preşedinte american de sfidare a curţii şi l-a amendat cu 9.000 de dolari pentru declaraţii care, în opinia sa, au încălcat un ordin dat...

eToro îşi plănuieşte listarea

eToro îşi plănuieşte listarea

V.R.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 27 februarie

Platforma de brokeraj bursier eToro atrage interes din partea bancherilor şi investitorilor cu privire la listarea sa, după ce a abandonat planul de a ajunge pe piaţa de acţiuni printr-o fuziune cu o companie de tip SPAC (societate de achiziţie...

eToro is planning its listing

eToro is planning its listing

V.R.English Section / 27 februarie

Stockbroking platform eToro is attracting interest from bankers and investors about its listing after abandoning plans to go public through a merger with a SPAC (special purpose acquisition company), according to CEO Yoni Assia. He said as quoted...

Israelul cere demisia secretarului general al ONU

Israelul cere demisia secretarului general al ONU

S.B.Internaţional / 25 octombrie 2023

Israelul a cerut demisia secretarului general al ONU, Antonio Guterres, după ce acesta a declarat că "atacurile îngrozitoare" comise de Hamas împotriva Israelului la 7 octombrie nu pot justifica "pedeapsa colectivă a poporului...

During his weekly address in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis called for the creation of humanitarian corridors to help those currently under siege in Gaza and also called for the release of hostages currently held by Hamas. His plea came as Israel prepares for a ground offensive in Gaza.

Distance Duel between Vatican and Jerusalem

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 18 octombrie 2023

Modern wars are primarily fought from a distance. Beyond the military aspect, there's another equally important one that deals with influencing public opinion. The situation in Israel is well-known. At first glance, Hamas appears to be the...

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