TaxEU Forum vine la Timişoara în 2025

TaxEU Forum vine la Timişoara în 2025

A.B.Miscellanea / 7 februarie

TaxEU Forum, principalul eveniment dedicat modificărilor legislative din domeniul fiscal, va avea loc în 2025 cu o nouă ediţie regională pe 5-6 martie, la Hotel Timişoara, potrivit unui comunicat emis redacţeiei. Evenimentul, ce se organizează...

"Am făcut câţiva paşi care vor sprijini şi încuraja tinerii să aleagă să continue studiile aici, acasă, spre o carieră de cercetare. Bursele studenţilor doctoranzi au crescut, din anul universitar trecut, la 3.200 lei lunar. Vom lansa în curând a treia ediţie a apelului de burse pentru stagii universitare de masterat şi de doctorat, pentru stagii postdoctorale şi de cercetare în străinătate. Acum bursele au un cuantum cuprins între 1.100 - 1.200 de euro pe lună în funcţie de ţara de destinaţie", anunţa ministrul Educaţiei, Ligia Deca, în urmă cu o lună. (Sursa foto: Facebook/ Ligia Deca)

Bursele studenţilor au crescut

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 29 octombrie 2024

Ministrul Educaţiei, Ligia Deca, anunţă că a aprobat noul ordin privind bursele studenţilor. Potrivit ministrului: "Burse mai mari pentru studenţi! Am aprobat noul ordin de ministru privind bursele studenţilor. Cuantumul minim al bursei...

According to the amendments brought by the deputies to the ordinance, the staff from pre-university education, respectively the teaching staff, auxiliary teaching staff from the state pre-university education, as well as the teaching staff from the state university education system who hold the didactic degree of lecturer, head of works, will benefit from this program /lecturer and university assistant, as well as auxiliary teaching staff, from the university education system, active in a school/academic year starting from the school/academic year 2022 - 2023 up to the school/academic year 2026 - 2027 inclusive.

The teaching career bonus is awarded in October

O.D.English Section / 4 octombrie 2024

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated the law approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 87/2023, which establishes that the teaching career bonus and the professional career bonus for teaching and administrative staff, respectively, are...

Schools will be closed where the situation dictates

Schools will be closed where the situation dictates

O.D.English Section / 1 octombrie 2024

The Ministry of Education is trying to adapt, on the fly, to the reality on the ground. The didactic activity with physical presence will be suspended where the situation requires it, stated the Minister of Education Ligia Deca in the context of...

The rector of the "George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology in Târgu Mureş, Leonard Azamfirei, said that the new academic year at UMFST Târgu Mureş begins with a series of novelties, with new study programs, such as a program bachelor's degree in psychology, a series of new master's degree programs, namely Medical Humanity, military medical assistance, pharmacovigilance and specialized medical assistance. (Photo source: https://blog.umfst.ro/)

Record number of "freshman" students for UMFST

O.D.English Section / 17 septembrie 2024

In the fall, the crops are gathered and the students are counted. The rector of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology "George Emil Palade" from Târgu Mures, Leonard Azamfirei, declared during the opening ceremony...

Prădătorii sexuali din învăţământul superior românesc

SORIN ROŞCA STĂNESCUPolitică / 31 iulie 2024


Este un scandal uriaş. Generat de mărturii publice, care vin valuri valuri. Este vorba de studente abuzate. De prădători sexuali. Ditamai profesorii universitari. Unii dintre ei cu funcţii de conducere. Epicentrul acestui cutremur este SNSPA....

Photo source: facebook / Ligia Deca

Education: 45% increase in open-ended positions

O.D.English Section / 19 iulie 2024

Domestic education is in full adjustment period. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, stated that, at the national level, the number of positions put out to competition for employment for an indefinite period (tenureable) has increased by 45%...

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Conferinţa BURSA “Codul Insolvenţei 2025”
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31 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9771
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6005
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2179
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9460
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur460.4406

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