smart capital investments
"We need to increase the absorption capacity two or three times, compared to the annual rhythm of 2.5 billion Euros"

THE BURSA VIDEOCONFERENCE "EUROPEAN FUNDS" / MARCEL BOLOŞ, MINISTER OF EUROPEAN FUNDS:"We need to increase the absorption capacity two or three times, compared to the annual rhythm of 2.5 billion Euros"

George Marinescu(TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 21 octombrie 2020

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which we have allocated for 30.4 billion Euros, will be put up for public debate on November 5, said Ioan Marcel Boloş, minister of European Funds. He said things were different when it comes to...

BREXIT: Adios muchachos!

BREXIT: Adios muchachos!

Adelina Toader, Vlad Dobrea (Translated by Cosmin Ghiodveanu)English Section / 31 ianuarie 2020

A historic moment for the European Union, which starting with February 1st, will lose an important member of its community! After 47 years in the European Union and three years of negotiations and disagreements which turned into a political...

The BURSA awards - a triumph

The BURSA awards - a triumph


Style and elegance, brightness and ostentation, light and color, music and dancing, prizes and surprises - those were some of the ingredients of the BURSA Gala on Thursday, November 14th, which, held at the majestic Palace of Parliament, marked...

Activism în Israel, ţepe în România

CONTRACT DE COMUNICAREActivism în Israel, ţepe în România

Popescu MariusCompanii / 15 februarie 2018

Orit Rishpi face parte din consiliul de administraţie al societăţii NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd, o companie deţinută de statul Israel. Numirea în funcţie realizându-se de către Govern­ment Companies Authority. Dealtfel fiind...

Bîlteanu şi Lakis au cerut sesizarea Curţii Constituţionale privind neconstituţionalitatea pragului la SIF-uri

ARIS CAPITAL A CONTESTAT ÎN INSTANŢĂ DECIZIA DIN 2015 A ASF PRIVIND CONCERTAREA GRUPULUI BÎLTEANU,Bîlteanu şi Lakis au cerut sesizarea Curţii Constituţionale privind neconstituţionalitatea pragului la SIF-uri

ADINA ARDELEANUZiarul BURSA #Piaţa de Capital / 30 mai 2017

Curtea de Apel Bucureşti a admis cererea de sesizare a Curţii Constituţionale în vederea soluţionării excepţiei de neconstituţionalitate a pragului maxim de deţinere la SIF-uri, stipulat în Legea pieţei de capital 297/2004, la solicitarea firmei...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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