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Sergei Karaganov, former presidential advisor to Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, honorary president of the Russian think tank Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, stated yesterday in an interview given to the Russian publication Kommersant that the time has come for Russia to respond with a nuclear strike.

The Russians threaten NATO again with nuclear attacks

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 septembrie 2024

The decision that the US and the UK would take today on granting permission to Ukraine to use long-range missiles to hit military targets located on the territory of the Russian Federation brought back the nuclear threats to the states in the...

Sursa foto: The Institute for the Study of War

Blitz-krieg ucrainean in sudul Rusiei

GEORGE MARINESCUZiarul BURSA #Internaţional / 14 august 2024

Supărarea preşedintelui rus Vladimir Putin exprimată public cu privire la Alexei Smirnov, guvernatorul regiunii Kursk, după invadarea respectivei zone de către forţele armate ucrainene, este întemeiată atât timp cât politrucul din sudul...

MApN acquires 54 K9 howitzers from Hanwha Aerospace

MApN acquires 54 K9 howitzers from Hanwha Aerospace

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 11 iulie 2024

The Romanian land forces will benefit from 54 K9 self-propelled howitzers (SPH) and 36 K10 (ARV) ammunition refueling vehicles, according to the contract concluded between the Ministry of National Defense and the South Korean company Hanwha...

Poate te întrebi cine e PPC

ADVERTORIALPoate te întrebi cine e PPC

Media-Advertising / 15 mai 2024

Poate ai observat că identitatea vizuală a furnizorului tău de energie s-a schimbat. Cei doi furnizori parte din grupul PPC, PPC Energie şi PPC Energie Muntenia au acum un nou logo, care apare acum peste tot, de la facturi la site şi aplicaţie,...

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14 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9768
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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.1610
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9082
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur439.0006

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