
The Luck of the Unlucky

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 10 ianuarie 2024

Dan Nicolaie

The combination of luck and ambition is lethal. I faced it. Rarely, although it's not nice to count certain things. Yes, I know, talking about luck and ambition in the same decade is an event. Let's recount the confrontation. On New...

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Air Schengen - a hoax for the national economy

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 decembrie 2023

The announcement by the government officials in Vienna regarding the approval of the entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen area only with the air borders represents a measure without a major positive impact on the economic plan. While...

Mirajul criptoactivelor

LEONARDO BADEA, BNR:Mirajul criptoactivelor

Miscellanea / 21 iulie 2022

"De-a lungul timpului, evoluţia societăţii a avut la bază tocmai capacitatea de a se dezvolta, de a inova, de a adapta noi produse şi sisteme care să răspundă necesităţilor istorice. În domeniul pieţelor financiare, în special în ultimii 20...

A toxic myth: "the future of Europe"

A toxic myth: "the future of Europe"

Cornel Codiţă (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Politică / 10 mai 2019

In Sibiu is being discussed, oh, but that's an understatement!, is being decided "the future of Europe"! We are for once the nexus of the world, or at least of Europe! We finally have a serious reason for "national pride"! The...

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