Sebastian Burduja: "În acest moment, pentru sectorul privat am mai pus la bătaie, prin două apeluri competitive din Fondul pentru Modernizare, 815 milioane euro pentru producerea de energie cu şi fără autoconsum"

Sebastian Burduja: "În acest moment, pentru sectorul privat am mai pus la bătaie, prin două apeluri competitive din Fondul pentru Modernizare, 815 milioane euro pentru producerea de energie cu şi fără autoconsum"

R.S.Politică / 19 august 2024

Ministrul Energiei, Sebastian Burduja, a anunţat luni, după vizita la Alba Iulia şi la Sebeş, că în acest moment, pentru sectorul privat au mai pus la bătaie prin două apeluri competitive din Fondul pentru Modernizare 815 milioane euro pentru...

The Mayor of Sector 5, Cristian Popescu Piedone, said: "I can state that it is extremely suspicious that ANI makes press releases in such a manner, without me having been officially notified of the report, and this happens less than 48 hours later from the moment I announced my candidacy for the position of General Mayor of the Capital". (Photo source: facebook / Cristian Popescu Piedone)

Coincidences or interferences in the electoral process?

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 29 februarie 2024

Not even 48 hours after Cristian Popescu Piedone, the mayor of Sector 5, publicly announced his candidacy for the position of general mayor of the Capital in the local elections that would take place in June at the same time as the European...

Project: Tribute wine collection

Project: Tribute wine collection

O.D.English Section / 21 februarie 2024

Lovers of Brâncuşi's work can, from this month, also put their taste buds to work, not just their sight and sense of touch. The wine "Brâncusi', a limited edition, only 1,890 bottles, representing the kilometers traveled by the...

sursa foto: ştirile protv.ro

Şoşoacă respinsă de protestatari

T.B.Miscellanea / 21 ianuarie 2024

În ciuda aşteptărilor unui protest masiv al fermierilor şi transportatorilor, care a primit autorizaţie de la Primăria Capitalei, duminică dimineaţă când ar fi trebuit să înceapă, în Piaţa Constituţiei nu era decât un singur tractor, conform...

The candidates for the ASF Council will be heard today

The candidates for the ASF Council will be heard today

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 18 decembrie 2023

The candidates for the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) will be heard, today, in the Romanian Parliament, for a five-year term at the head of the institution that supervises the insurance market, private pensions and the...

Strasbourg under terror


George MarinescuEnglish Section / 20 octombrie 2023

Strasbourg lives a terror, terror being defined also by threat, not necessarily by terrorism in practice. The world is on alert and doing everything to prevent acts of terrorism. All week I was in Strasbourg, on a journalistic trip to the...

The book editors do not agree with the tax increase.

The book editors do not agree with the tax increase.

O.D.English Section / 2 octombrie 2023

The book market in our country is facing significant problems. Readership is dwindling, and the authorities are not proving very friendly to this sector. The Executive Director of the Association of Publishers in Romania (AER), Mihai Mitrică,...

The disease of Education: much talk, few deeds"

The disease of Education: much talk, few deeds"

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 12 septembrie 2023

A new school year began yesterday. Students, teachers, parents, and politicians marked the occasion in their own ways. Hopes are still high, but few are realized. The start of the new school year has once again demonstrated that education suffers...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur440.0993

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