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Israeli High-Tech: Economic growth in times of crisis

Israeli High-Tech: Economic growth in times of crisis

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 1 noiembrie 2024

In a context of extreme adversity, Israel's high-tech sector has demonstrated a remarkable capacity for resilience and growth, according to a report on the industry by https://finder.startupnationcentral.org/ and posted on editorial address...

Kaufland inaugurează un nou magazin în Piteşti

Kaufland inaugurează un nou magazin în Piteşti

R.S.Miscellanea / 9 octombrie 2024

Kaufland România îşi extinde prezenţa la nivel naţional şi deschide al treilea magazin din oraşul Piteşti. Prin această investiţie, compania ajunge la o reţea naţională de 182 de hipermarketuri şi creează 70 de noi locuri de muncă, conform unui...

Based on a well-crafted strategy aimed at artificially expanding the market, the pharma giants seem to have become experts in "disease-making" and exaggerating common symptomatology in order to turn healthy people into drug-dependent patients. , a practice whose consequences are serious for public health and for the trust that patients have in the medical system.

Artificially created diseases; examples (I)

I.Ghe.English Section / 16 septembrie 2024

The modern pharmaceutical industry, a global market of billions of dollars, is no longer limited to treating and curing the sick. In recent years, new advertising techniques have been developed that aggressively target healthy audiences, turning...

The best month in agriculture... for protests

The best month in agriculture... for protests

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 februarie 2024

The political scene in our country was awakened to reality, from the sweet sleep it had fallen into during the winter holidays, on January 9, when hundreds of farmers began to move to the Capital, dissatisfied with the fiscal measures imposed by...

Rudderless in bad weather

Rudderless in bad weather

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 octombrie 2023

The change of government at the end of the first semester of this year apparently did not bode well for Prime Minister Ciolacu's team, which found itself with a budget deficit that is increasingly difficult to control and manage, with the...

"Backpack with a Future" for 120,000 preschoolers

"Backpack with a Future" for 120,000 preschoolers

O.D.English Section / 18 octombrie 2023

The World Vision Romania Foundation is launching the second edition of the "Start in Education" program, which will have double the number of beneficiaries this year. As a result, 120,000 preschoolers will each receive a "Backpack...

Ice Sheets Go "Underwater"

Ice Sheets Go "Underwater"

O.D.English Section / 17 octombrie 2023

Nature has been delivering some concerning news lately. A new example: Antarctica's ice shelves have shrunk by 40%, with almost half of them showing "no signs of recovery," according to scientists who attribute these changes to...

Special pensions, pending reform

Special pensions, pending reform

G.M.English Section / 5 septembrie 2023

The parliamentary session that started yesterday promises to be a busy one for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, due to the legislative reforms that must be adopted in order to receive the funding allocated through the National Recovery and...

Expectations from Wall Street

Expectations from Wall Street

Andrei Iacomi English Section / 4 septembrie 2023

The U.S. stock market has rallied this year, with the S&P 500 gaining 21 percent through July, but in August the rally stalled after a flurry of economic data and statements from Federal Reserve officials fueled fears that the U.S. central...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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