Digital traps in the era of green mobility

Digital traps in the era of green mobility

O.D.English Section / 5 noiembrie

Amid an accelerated growth in the number of electric cars globally, hackers are exploiting new digital fraud techniques, including "quishing", a form of phishing that uses fake QR codes. Cybersecurity experts at Eset draw attention to...

Garden of Lights revine în România

Garden of Lights revine în România

S.B.Comunicate de presă / 22 octombrie

Compania Wonderful Lighting, deţinătoare a brandului "Garden of Lights", revine în România cu expoziţia multimedia dedicată sezonului rece "Grădina Luminilor". Grădina Botanică "Dimitrie Brandza" a Universităţii din...

The Ministry of Education and the National Agency for Sports signed the collaboration protocol for the implementation of the National Program "Champion in School". Photo: Elisabeta Lipa (left), president of the National Sports Agency, and Ligia Deca (right), Minister of Education. (Photo source: Faccebook/ Ligia Deca)

Sports champions return to school

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 3 octombrie

Young people need examples, and the school can provide the right setting where the meeting between students and people who have succeeded in life can occur. The Ministry of Education and the National Sports Agency signed the collaboration...

Colaborare în domeniul cadastrului cu Republica Moldova

Colaborare în domeniul cadastrului cu Republica Moldova

R.S.Miscellanea / 20 septembrie

Agenţia Naţională de Cadastru şi Publicitate Imobiliară (ANCPI) şi Agenţia Geodezie, Cartografie şi Cadastru (AGCC) din Republica Moldova, au încheiat, astăzi, la Chişinău, un Memorandum în domeniul cadastrului, conform unui comunicat transmis...

IOC President: "The moment of truth has arrived"

IOC President: "The moment of truth has arrived"

O.D.English Section / 25 iulie

Only one day separates us from the official start of the Summer Olympic Games. "The moment of truth has arrived" for the Olympic Games in Paris, whose competitions started yesterday, two days before the opening ceremony, emphasized the...

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