CĂUTARE (1368)

Huge risk to European savings

Huge risk to European savings

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 14 februarie

The strategy of political decision-makers in Brussels regarding the financing of the measures in the Draghi plan, although it also refers to public sources, is based exclusively on private sources, civil society representatives say according to...

Illustration by MAKE

Budget Disaster and Political Instability in Romania

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 27 ianuarie

The last financial quarter of last year was a time of intense complexity for the Romanian economy, in which political and economic forces faced significant challenges generated by the general elections, the tense geopolitical context and an...

Photo source: X/ Elon Musk.jpg

US administration, taken over by businessmen

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 21 ianuarie

President Donald Trump's executive is the richest in US history, with the assets of its members worth a total of almost $500 billion, a staggering amount that far exceeds the GDP of countries such as Greece ($238 billion) or Hungary ($212...

Călin Georgescu - blocked on the way to Cotroceni

Călin Georgescu - blocked on the way to Cotroceni

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 16 decembrie 2024

The end of the calendar autumn was marked by the presidential and parliamentary elections that took place on November 24 and December 1. For this reason, in order to increase its chances before the election and to maximize the chances of its own...

Ionuţ Moşteanu cere execuţia bugetară actualizată

Ionuţ Moşteanu cere execuţia bugetară actualizată

A.D.Politică / 12 decembrie 2024

Liderul deputaţilor USR, Ionuţ Moşteanu, a afirmat că aşteaptă de la Ministrul Finanţelor execuţia bugetară actualizată şi a subliniat importanţa unui moment de sinceritate şi transparenţă în negocierile pentru formarea Guvernului între viitorii...

Ministry of Energy: We are facing an acute energy crisis

Ministry of Energy: We are facing an acute energy crisis

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 decembrie 2024

Our country is facing an acute crisis in the energy sector, marked by the inability to ensure the necessary domestic consumption of electricity, a situation that endangers the stability of the National Power System (SEN) and increases dependence...

Sovereignty flows into Parliament through many mouths

Sovereignty flows into Parliament through many mouths

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 3 decembrie 2024

The parliamentary elections in Romania that took place on Sunday brought significant changes to the national political landscape, and the real winners of the election were the sovereignists, who managed to introduce three political parties into...

We need an industrial "renewal", based on the three great trends of the 21st century: digitalization, decarbonization and circular economy. (Collage by MAKE)

The Letta Report and the Draghi Report versus Romania

Theodor StolojanEnglish Section / 18 noiembrie 2024

Theodor Stolojan

In 2024, two reports were published, prepared at the request of the European Commission. The first report, coordinated by Enrico Letta, is entitled "More than a Market" and refers to the transformation of the single market into a true...

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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