CĂUTARE (1472)

model economic
Banks favor customers who have green behavior

Banks favor customers who have green behavior

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 octombrie

In recent years, ecological trends and the fight against climate change have become a central topic on the global agenda, and some financial-banking institutions have decided to play an active role in influencing the lifestyle of their customers,...

Photo source: Facebook/ CFR Marfă

CFR Marfă, liquidated up to Mărţişor

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 octombrie

The national company CFR Marfă would be liquidated and stop its activity immediately after the operationalization and capitalization of the new company, Carpatica Feroviar, established by the Ciolacu government, operationalization that would take...

Do we need a Sovereign Fund in our country?

Do we need a Sovereign Fund in our country?

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 24 septembrie

Our country needs a Sovereign Investment Fund, as other countries like Norway or Poland have, according to the opinions expressed yesterday, during an event organized by the Association of Brokers in Romania, in partnership with SCA Piperea si...

Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

O.D.English Section / 23 septembrie

A new report by the US Competition Authority (FTC) brings to light an alarming reality: giants in the field of social platforms and the Internet practice mass surveillance to capitalize on users' personal data. The study, carried out over...

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Curs valutar BNR

18 Noi. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9764
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7176
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3172
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9544
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur393.2836

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Cotaţii Emitenţi BVB
Cotaţii fonduri mutuale
Mirosul Crăciunului
Teatrul Național I. L. Caragiale Bucuresti
Studiul 'Imperiul Roman subjugă Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu'
The study 'The Roman Empire subjugates the Kingdom of God'
Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu pe Pământ
The Kingdom of God on Earth
Carte - Golden calf - the meaning of interest rate
Carte - The crisis solution terminus a quo